I agree with HS's analysis.
My upbringing in the Watchtower gave me no financial sense at all. This was combined with clueless parents who bought into 'The End is Soon' dogma big time gave me a very poor start in life from a financially.
So... by the time I'm 25 I have amassed nearly £25k in debt through credit cards, bank loans and store cards etc. I was very fortunate to have a wife who worked with me to pay these off and learned the hard way that you have to plan for tomorrow, and the next day ... and the rest of your life!
I don't blame the Watchtower for every last penny of my debt problems, because by nature I'm not that great with money; but I do think they bear a great deal of responsibility for not allowing people to plan for their future financially with their 'end is real soon now' approach to life.